Hannah & Tom’s wedding ceremony was held at St Nicholas Church at the bottom of Abbey Fields in Kenilworth followed by their reception at the lovely Wethele Manor just outside Leamington Spa in the Warwickshire countryside. After having a great time shooting Hannah and Tom’s pre-wedding shoot at Jephson Gardens a few weeks before, I was really looking forward to their wedding day!
The day started off very warm with plenty of sunshine and stayed that way all morning. Hannah got ready at Wethele Manor in the purpose built chalets with her bridesmaids, her mum and her dad. Once everyone was ready, they had two vehicles to take them to the church: a vintage VW camper van for the bridesmaids and mum, and a vintage VW Beetle for Hannah and her dad. When they arrived at the church in Kenilworth, they were greeted by Hannah’s god father who was conducting the ceremony. You can see it was so nice for them to have a familiar face in charge and this was reflected in such a personal ceremony.
After everyone arrived back at Wethele Manor we had time for confetti and then the family group shots before the rain started. Once it started, unfortunately the rain was there for the rest of the day. However, I could tell from the smiles on their faces that the rain didn’t stop Hannah, Tom, their family and guests having a great time! We even braved the weather at the end of the night for a couple of photos in the rain to finish off the day.
Here’s a few shots from their day…